The lifespan of a dog with cancer can vary depending on various factors such as the type of cancer, the stage at which it was diagnosed, the age and overall health of the dog, and the treatment options available.
Some cancers such as lymphoma or leukemia can be very responsive to treatment, and with appropriate care, a dog with these cancers can live several months to a few years. Other types of cancer such as osteosarcoma or hemangiosarcoma can be more aggressive, and even with treatment, the prognosis can be poor.
In general, early detection and treatment are important for improving a dog’s chances of survival. Additionally, supportive care such as pain management, nutritional support, and quality of life measures can also play a role in improving a dog’s overall health and wellbeing.
It is important to work closely with a veterinarian to determine the best course of action for a dog with cancer and to monitor their condition closely throughout their treatment.

Cancer treatments for dogs
Traditionally, cancer in dogs is treated similarly to cancer in humans, with three basic types of treatment: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Newer therapies are also being introduced into the animal world, including immunotherapy & CBD oil for dogs with cancer.
Isolated tumors & cancer that has not spread
When dogs are diagnosed with an isolated tumor, surgery is common. Veterinary surgeons will seek to remove the cause of cancer, and may follow up with courses chemotherapy or radiotherapy. How viable and successful surgery will be depends a lot on where the tumor is growing. If the growth is in the brain, for example, surgery might not be possible.
How long can a dog live after being diagnosed with this kind of cancer? For dogs who successfully recover from surgery, there really is no limit on how life or well they can live. Dogs who undergo surgery to remove lumps and tumors have often been diagnosed at an early stage, meaning that they often remain cancer-free after treatment for the rest of their lives.
(Although there is some evidence that dogs who develop a tumor are more vulnerable to developing tumors at a later date).
Cancer that has spread within the body
Treatment options, life expectancy, and a dog’s quality of life all depend on how, where, and when cancer spreads. In a minority of cases, such as very old dogs, vets may also recommend palliative care and eventually euthanasia. But even if your dog is diagnosed with terminal cancer, there are plenty of options to ensure a happy daily life. Here’s some info on three of the most common cancers in dogs:
How long can a dog live after being diagnosed with this kind of cancer?
Life expectancies vary again, especially in terms of where the sarcoma is located. Fibrosarcomas can be highly treatable, thanks to their location near the skin. Unfortunately, osteosarcomas tend to be more aggressive and faster spreading. Prognosis after surgery is an average of five months, although that figure rises to a year when chemotherapy is also prescribed.